Opening my shop on Etsy, Cards By Jenna, was one of the best things I could have done to inspire myself. Before selling on Etsy I made paper goods when I needed them.
For example: If someone I knew was going to have a birthday I would make a card specific to them. Depending on the gift I purchased I would even make the gift wrap and tag. Everything was hand made and personalized.
Don’t get me wrong I still personalize cards and gift wrap…however… now that I have a place to display and sell my creations a whole new world of card making opened for me. At times I would get bored and feel like I was losing my creativity by making the same type of cards over and over again…mainly birthday cards. I needed a variety and opening my shop allowed me to create any type of greeting card I wanted.
One day I found Etsy by surfing the Internet for inspiration and ideas. I was definitely inspired and signed up. I didn’t set up my shop right away. It took a few months for me to get a banner, avatar, and create more inventory. Once I was up and running the possibilities were endless. I could make any type of greeting card I wanted. I started creating and designing cards for events and occasions I never had before. At first my favorite cards to make were anything Baby! Then I moved on to wedding, thank you notes, gift sets, photo cards, etc…my creativity took off! It was great.
I love being a seller on Etsy because I enjoy sharing my creations with others. It’s great to share ideas, browse other shops, network, and make new friends. Handmade items are so unique and one of a kind. My shop is not set up to make profit, most of the time I break even or make a few cents. Whatever money I do make I spend on more card making supplies. :-)
The draw back to being an Etsy seller is paying all the fees! On top of the 20 cent per listing fee Etsy also takes 3.5% off the top of the sale. I understand that Etsy needs to make money too but for a card shop that is quite a bit of money being taken. On top of these fees I use paypal and paypal charges you too!
Being a part of Etsy has allowed me to join two awesome teams. Currently I am a member of the EtsyGreetings Team and the EtsyBloggers Street Team. Within both groups I have made great friends and have been immersed into a world of creativity.
Thanks for reading!