Leave a comment on this post describing your favorite holiday of the year. It can be any holiday in any country. If the holiday is specific to a particular country share a brief description.
In the post please include your name and email address so I may contact you if you win!
Be sure to tell everyone why you love your holiday and include any traditions or funny stories.
The contest starts today, Wednesday, August 20th and runs until midnight (Pacific Standard Time-USA) Wednesday, September 3rd. All who post will be thrown into a hat and the first name pulled will be the lucky winner.
So what's the prize? A grab bag of assorted greeting cards made by me! If you would like to see samples of my cards check out my website: http://www.cardsbyjenna.etsy.com/.
The drawing will occur on September 4th and the winner will be announced and contacted on September 5th.
Since it's my contest I thought I would kick it off by telling everyone that my favorite holiday is Christmas!
I love decorating the house and tree and also spending time with family and friends. I have a huge collection of ornaments given to me by lots of different people. Every year when I unwrap them I get to reflect on past memories and think about all the people who have given me an ornament to add to my growing collection. :-)
I love Christmas because I love decorating the house and the tree, and I love all the childhood memories it brings back. Being married to a marine, and being stationed in Hawaii, it also means a trip back to our home towns to see family and friends for the holidays, whom we don't get to see very often, since we live so far from home. And, it gives me another excuse to bake all kinds of different cookies and give them to friends!
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. It is all about family, gratitude, good food, being together...
I also like the fact that Thanksgiving is not so commercialized...
I love Christmas because it's during winter and I love snow! Plus, I love singing along with all those cheery Christmas songs! Watching Home Alone every year is so fun too! :)
bunnybx at gmail . com
All of the fall/winter holidays are my favorites, but I guess I'll go with Thanksgiving. Especially now that I'm older and I get to do all of the cooking myself. Things got a lot different as of last years Thanksgiving, since I developed severe food allergies after the birth of my first daughter. So now making Thanksgiving dinner is an even bigger production. Everything has to be cooked from scratch, and with super special ingredients. I love making almond crusted vegan pumpkin pies. And mashed sweet potacarrotoes. Its a combination of sweet potatoes and carrots, combined with roasted garlic, and mashed to perfection.. mmmm. Sometimes I throw in some pureed cauliflower, its amazing. Home made rice bread stuffing, with big chunks of celery... mmmmm. I feel so good after all of my hard work is displayed on the table and we sit down to eat. And the leftover turkey sandwiches, with homemade cashew mayo... mmmmmmm. I can't wait until this years Thanksgiving dinner!!!
Great giveaway :)
Of course my favorite Holiday is Christmas. I love decorating but that isnt the only reason I love it so much. To me it means getting to go "home" and see family. I live in Florida and all of my Family is in Kansas. Its a guaranteed trip home each year to see them and be with them. That means more to me than anything else about Christmas.
Sounds like Christmas is pretty popular!
All that talk about Thanksgiving is making me hungry. :-)
It's hard to decide, I really like Thanksgiving AND Christmas.. but I'm going to go with christmas because of all the decorations and things you can do like that. I really enjoy the smells, sights, sounds and such during Christmas. And sometimes people just seem to be a little more nice to each other that time of year. The "christmas spirit"
Oops! I forgot to include name and email..
I love all the winter holidays too, from Halloween to St Patricks Day...but my new Favorite holiday is one I have been taught how to properly celebrate by my Scottish hubbie: Hogmanay (we call it New Years Eve).
The Scots really know how to celebrate this...after all it was a Scot who wrote Auld Lang Syne, that song we all sing at midnight... They do something called "firstfooting" (kind of like trick or treating only you bring a blessing to the house and it usually involves whiskey;), take the time just before "the bells" (midnight) to reflect on the year that has just past and remember those who have gone...and once it hits midnight they START partying! They even have an extra day off (Jan 1st & 2nd are both bank holidays in Scotland).
It is the only time of year Ian is really homesick for Scotland, so we always fill our house in Kansas with good friends, music, bagpipes (yes real ones, yes they are LOUD), and a lot of love.
What a fun contest Jenna~If I am the lucky winner please convo me through my shop: www.thyme2dream.etsy.com
My favorite holiday is Christmas - I just love the time with family! And this year I'm super-excited about handmaking gifts!
jedimarri@gmail.com is my contact info :)
My favorite holiday is definitely Christmas. My reasoning is because I love spending time with family and eatting all the lovely things that go along with the season. Thanks for the chance!
Christmas. Especially as a child when us siblings would follow my father and uncle into the woods near our home on Cape Cod to cut our own tree.
It was our tradition as children growing up that we were allowed to go into the living room Christmas morning to get our stockings down and take them back to one of our bedrooms to open what was inside. Of course, making as much noise as possible to be certain that our parents would wake up.
When they did, they did it slowly to draw out the excitment. Get dressed, get coffee, then my step-father would hand out the gifts one at a time and each of us would watch to see what that person got before he would hand out the next.
Later, all of my step-fathers siblings would gather down the street at my step-grandparents, and we would have a different gift opening with the extended family. Here, the oldest sibling my U.George handed out the gifts one at a time, for the same reason as the above.
DH and I carried on this tradition.
It was great because Christmas lasted a lot longer than the Thanksgiving dinner, if you know what I mean! LOL
My fav holiday is Halloween. We own a gallery & loft on the main st of a small historic downtown communitty, Corsicana TX. Every year on Halloween approx 2000 chiodren descend on downtown to Trick or Treat. Every year we make a *children's* haunted house in a portion of our sho to funnel the kids through. Those that are brave enough to enter Mwaah, ha, ha!
Happy halloween!-Tabitha of ArtSpot.etsy.com texasartspot@yahoo.com
Although I do love Christmas, I would have to say that my favourite is: Bank Holiday in August (this is a UK thing) its usually the last Monday in the month of August. If you're lucky the weather is warm (not very often!) and normally we spend it at the coast where we go for a long walk along the beach, have a bag of fish and chips and appreciate the fact that it is a Monday and were not at work!!!! Bliss!!
p.s. Jenna, I too am having a giveaway if you'd like to take part?
it's got to be Christmas. I love everything about it ... but it's a bittersweet holiday too. I miss my parents!
I have giveaways on my blog too - come visit!
Christmas is my favorite holiday---so much to share and time to spend with family. I love the aroma of cinnamon and spice and the bright twinkling lights.
What a fun giveaway. I love thinking about the holidays, especially - it was the time of year my husband proposed to me, the time that I became the first in my family to graduate from college, the holiday season when we found out our first child was going to be a son. To me, the Christmas season is about renewing your faith and remembering to be thankful for the many blessings in your life. Plus, that's when I have the best Etsy sales!
My favorite is Christmas. I LOVE to decorate the house. Unfortunately since my kids are still small (2 1/2 and 14 months) I can't have all my decorations out unless I want to see all my precious decorations smashed to pieces! I love all the parties, festivals, and food that comes with Christmas.
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Your cards are beautiful! :)
My favorite holiday is Halloween,
plus Fall is my favorite season, and its just so much fun, me and my 5 year old carve a pumpkin every year been doing that since he was a baby, its always fun.
My email is im my blogger profile.
My favorite would have to be Halloween! I love dressing up and carving pumpkins and eating candy and watching scary movies and decorating and going to haunted houses; that's also around the time I got married!
What a fun idea for a giveaway...
my favorite holiday is also christmas; I love coming up with creative gifts for everyone and I'm always excited to see what other people have come up with for me.
you can contact me through my etsy shop, purrprints.etsy.com--i prefer not to list my other contact info publicly.
Also, if you'll be hosting giveaways of etsy items regularly on your blog, you're welcome to be a contributing author on a new blog I'm starting up called etsygiveaways.blogspot.com -- basically the idea is to have a central location for everyone to find giveaways on etsy items--you can read the intro post on that blog to learn more about it.
I love seeing all the kids in their costumes and eating candy without feeling guilty! :)) And it's the perfect time of year!
My favorite is Christmas because of the grandkids. It ts also a time to gather the whole family, all six kids and their kids. A very busy, very happy time for me.
There is something about halloween that has always excited me. Christmas is great, but it can be so stressful. Halloween, on the other hand means fun, candy, imagination and time spent with my 2 kids without the stress of other holidays! The only thing that would make it better is no work/school like the other holidays :)
I love Christmas because I can decorate the house and the outside and just go crazy. I also love the snow when it doesn't get too far out of hand. I love seeing the look on my daughter's face when she looks at all of the lights and the presents under the tree. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I really love Christmas Eve
Hmmm this is difficult.
I always get to spend time with the grands.
My favorite has to be Christmas. I have all my children and grandkids over to celebrate. Its fun planning my menu and fun stuff for the kids to enjoy. Its just the best holiday. Thank you!
I adore Thanksgiving! Family, friends, food! I don't have to worry about gifts and I love to cook for people I love!
Christmas cards are always a favorite.
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving when family and friends can gather together and we can talk about what we are all thankful for, not to mention eating good food!
My favorite is Christmas, my family always gets together and has so much fun
Halloween because I love make believe.
Christmas has always been the special holiday at our house.
Wow..It is such a toss up between Christmas and Thanksgiving for me...But I think I would say Thanksgiving. It is a time my whole life that we would travel up to my grandparents house and have the house crammed full of people! It was always a fun trip to travel to go see them! I loved it! Now that my grandparents are getting older I treasure every Thanksgiving I get to spend with them! I also just love Autumn...all the smells, and decorations! I'm so ready for it to be here!
What idea about doing a giveaway! I hope I win! :) My email is stacygibbs122@gmail.com! My store is www.graciouscreations.etsy.com and my blog is http://www.thefancyfritter.blogspot.com
I love Easter, with all the egg hunts, candy, and Easter service
Christmas is my favorite because I love the anticipation and the joy that goes with it!
Thanksgiving was always my favorite holiday! My dad and I (and then my sister when she was big enough) would wake up super early and make the stuffing from scratch and we'd stuff the turkey. I remember the pictures of my in my pajamas, my mom's apron and my construction paper turkey hat with my whole arm inside the turkey just smiling like I was the best thing in the world. Man, Thanksgiving rocks!!
I am http://madebymelissa.etsy.com
I love greeting cards! I'm not much of a holiday person since I didn't come from a very big nor close family. Although I love sending holiday cards lol. I'd probably go with Valentines Day since I love Pink and Hearts, and of course because its full of love, not just for a special someone, but to me its to show everyone in your life how much they mean to you!
Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous creations!!
My favorite holiday would have to be Valentine's Day. I know a lot of single females hate this holiday but I always loved it when I was single...I just looked at it as a chance to get together with other single friends and celebrate friendship. I'm a total girly girl so any holidays that celebrates hearts is ok by me ;)
I love all holidays, my favorite is black friday. My sister and mom plan our route of attack on Thanksgiving, we wake up early and get all our Christmas shopping done by 10:0 and then go for brunch.
Your cards are so pretty; I like the All Occassion Everyday Note Cards the best! My favorite holiday is Easter because we all get pretty new clothes and it means the end of a long dreary winter.
I love love love your cards. As a complete card junkie I just had to enter too :)
One of my favorite holidays is 4th of July. I love the fireworks and the family bbqs. Although that's not a card holiday...maybe I should rethink this!
You can contact me at IHeartPlumStars@gmail.com or convo me at www.plumstars.etsy.com
This is tough but it has to be Easter. There is something life-changing about that time of new life, new hope, and new joy.
Every grieving heart and tear-stained cheek can look with hope upon the Easter lilies and Springtime miracles...And see a glimmer of light and life beyond the darkness.
Christmas takes the cake for presents and atmosphere. But Easter is my time to begin again...It is my secret "New Year"!
(You can contact me through my Etsy shop at www.sewmelody.etsy.com)
My favorite holiday is Christmas, everyone seems to be so much more happy.
Theresa N
i kinda like halloween pigging out on candy and watching scary movies:)
I love Easter, because there isn't a lot of shopping, traveling, or baking involved in my family! It seems to be a fun, and stress free holiday! Thanks!
great contest, lots of good goodies! lol *does the wanty hands*
The giveaway winner has been contacted. As soon as I have a confirmation from that person I will announce the winner.
Thank you to all who participated.
Stay tuned for the next giveaway.
:-) Jenna
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